AmGeneral Insurance

Pax: 300
Theme: To the Max
Activities: Time to Market, Share Market & Big Picture

To the Max: AmGeneral Insurance

The story of 300

Historically, the battle of Thermopylae saw Leonidas took 300 Spartans and hold down the 30,000 Persians at the gateway. It is a symbol of how committed teams even with small numbers can defeat enemies who outnumbered them.

I’m privileged to host a 300 pax team building for AmGeneral Insurance called “To The Max”.

300 team members came from around the country to pledge their commitment to go to the max.

The final output is the gigantic canvas done after a series of exercise to #inspire and #elevate

It’s timely for us to go to the max as the market is opening up and better and stronger days ahead.

#TeamBuilding #Leadership #Teamwork #KimberlyClark #NATCON #SoarToGlory