Etiqa Insurance

Pax: 30
Venue: Etiqa training academy
Theme: Managers Accelerated Development Progamme
Activities: Mount Tiki Manjaro

Managers Accelerated Development Progamme: Etiqa Insurance

Thrilled to collaborate with Emeritus a global leader partnering with over 80 prestigious universities to bring accessible and affordable high-quality education worldwide.

Currently, we’re conducting a simulation as part of the New Managers Accelerated Development Programme. Key insights from facilitating this program:

  1. 🎮Students thrive on the engagement and enjoyment of learning through gameplay.
  2. 💡Theoretical concepts and models truly come to life when experienced through simulation participation.
  3. ❤️Simulations enable participants to learn not just with their minds but also engage their emotions. Excited about the impactful learning experiences we’re creating!

#education #SimulationLearning #ProfessionalDevelopment